Revenue Hunt™


Introducing Revenue Hunt

The Clear Moves Revenue Hunt is a team-oriented sprint designed to address the challenges of underperforming products or services.

Our proprietary framework is designed to develop the most effective solutions derived by analyzing hard data, performing root cause analysis, and gathering input from external resources.

Revenue Hunt Guidance

Team selection to discuss and evaluate opportunities

Analyze in detail what’s missing and why

Begin developing new and relevant benchmarks

Skill-up employees to improve performance

5 Benefits From Improving Your Product & Services Mix

  • Capturing the right data ensures your efforts are focused where it matters
  • Skilling-up employees becomes more focused and promotes team work
  • Customers are more satisfied, more of the time
  • Margins improve
  • Scaling becomes more efficient

Book a Revenue Hunt discussion with us so you can explore the opportunities.

During the call we will:

  • Help you establish clarity regarding underperforming products or services
  • Get a sense of where your employees are at regarding their current skill sets
  • How you could begin focusing on the most significant and unrealized revenue producers
  • A review of the immediate and long term benefits from an improved product/services mix

Reveal Revenue Streams You Might have Been Missing

Let’s Begin A Conversation…